Paul Ludemann
I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN. I moved to Dallas, TX from Hollywood, CA in 2012. Having been a photography enthusiast for many years, my love of the craft pushed me to study it, and make it a career. Prior to photography, I worked as an audio engineer and musician, having studied recording at the Los Angeles Recording School, and McNally Smith school of music. I owned and operated my own studio, as well as worked at the world renowned Westlake Studios in West Hollywood. My wife and I have 2 kids, Penelope and Layne, who definitely keep us busy and entertained.
Lisa Ludemann
Assistant / stylist
I was also born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, and moved to Hollywood to pursue my career after getting a degree in fashion design. I soon started designing handbags for brands such as BCBG, Charles David, Ed Hardy, Bebe, and more. I moved to Dallas to work for Fossil as a Senior Designer. No longer wanting the corporate life, I am now working independently to support a more family-first lifestyle, and leaving my creative endeavors up to me. My modeling and fashion history made it an easy jump to styling and assisting on shoots.